What info do I need to provide for Plan Modifications?
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Thank you for your interest in having Alan Mascord Design Associates Inc design your new home. To make your first designer meeting productive, we'd like you to gather up the following information and bring it with you:
Building Site
- Boundary survey with property lines dimensioned including bearing information (e.g. 101.64' N89D55' 17"E).
- If there are any curves in the property line, be sure to include the curve table.
- Make sure that any easements are shown and identified.
- Unless the lot is dead flat, include the topographical survey showing the lot slope.
- Identify any views from the property.
- Provide the legal description
- If your site is steep, a soils report is often required - bring a copy if you have one.
Zoning and CC&R Information
- Zoning designation (e.g. R-10) and building setback requirments
- Subdivision specific CC&R restrictions - bring a copy if you have one.
- If any height restrictions apply, what is it and how is it measured?
- Af any architectural review board applies, provide any information available.
- Lateral engineering requirements; design wind speed, exposure, seismic zone when applicable.
When Modifying a Plan
- Choose the base plan that provides a good starting point. Typically, it's easier to start with a smaller plan and enlarge it to meet your goals. Use the plan search engine to help you find that plan.
- Identify the changes you have in mind - bring in your marked up study set.
- List any general parameters such as area (sq. ft.) or price maximums, amenities such as how many bedrooms and whether you want a great room or separate living room and family room, etc.
- Make a list of each desired space and give details of each room; size, orientation and any special features.
- Architectural Style Preferred
- Roofing material - tile, composition shingles or shake roof.
- Window preferences, if any. Unless otherwise noted, we will show nominal window sizes allowing you to make this choice later, during the bidding/ pricing phase.
Construction Preferences, If Any
Our staff rely on you (or your builder) to provide specific local requirements related to your project since we do not have the resources or time to do the research to find out all that may be required.
Once you have collected the above information please call our office to discuss your modification needs with out team, and please call if you have questions about the items in this list. 503 225 9161